Tuesday, March 11, 2008


My friend Kathy tagged me and since it's been almost a year since I blogged I couldn't remember how to sign on to my own blog! LOL! Anyhow....I finally figured it out so here is my reply to her tag:
Here are my random tidbits...
1. I hate, hate, hate television. I would rather have a quiet house than the racket of TV blaring all the time
2. I need to wear shoes all the time. My feet are very sensitive and I have a habit of breaking my toes. So far I have managed to break all of them at least once.
3. I hate bar-b-q potato chips because when I was about 7 years old a boy tried to kiss me and he had just eaten some. I associate that smell with that unpleasant experience so I hate those chips
4. I wanted 6 kids...had 5, which is OK in the long run because they have worn me out.
5. I always wanted a red-headed kid. Didn't get one but my first grandchild is a red-head
6. I love the desert and hope to retire there someday
7. Everytime I chew gum I manage to bite my tongue or my cheek so I never chew gum
Now...maybe since I've figured out how to find my way back here again I'll post more....
One can hope