Saturday, May 19, 2007

The torture has ended

Who says higher education is good for you? All it's done for me in the last two years is raise my stress level, put on about 20 pounds, make my house look like someone threw up all over the place in it and put additional lines on my face. Actually, I'm very proud of myself for surviving nurse practitioner school but let it be known that I will NEVER do this again. I've given my family permission to put me down if I even mention the word school again. We'll see if I can keep my promise.


Ramie :-) said...


Congratulations girlfriend!! Stand proud, cuz you deserve it!!!!

And I'm betting there's at least one more "school" thing left.....not including graduation and continuing education courses/seminars! (luv ya)


Tracy said...

I have said this so many times but you are my idol!! Way to go!

Suz said...

Congratulations Shirl. I am so proud that you finished.

Just remember to follow your heart & do what you love.


Jolene George said...

I am SOOO proud of you Shirley! You worked your tail off and truly deserve a vacation....or at least some time to pamper yourself. Not many women could do all that you did. I know I couldn't. You're my superhero!

Brook said...

I don't know if I told you how proud I am of you. So here it is, "I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!"

Kristie W. said...

Tag you're it...go check my blog!

Kath W said...

Add me to the ever growing list of those who are so dang proud of you! You are an inspiration!

Sooooo, when ya gonna update your blog????? lol