Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Feeling Out of Sorts

We've spent most of our marriage moving around from place to place. It was sometimes a pain but mostly an adventure. I learned how to explore new places and get the kids involved. I learned how to transfer school and medical records. I learned how to find new physicians and schools. And, I learned how to make new friends. Because of all the moving I've been somewhat reluctant to put down roots anywhere. Just when I think we might stay in one area we are packing up and moving again. Well, it looks like that may be the story once again in my immediate future. Time to pack the boxes, prepare the house for sale and move on. One more adventure in my life.


Jenny said...

One good thing, your closets get cleaned out frequently :)

What is the longest you have lived in one place?


Jolene George said...

I know moving is hard...both physically and emotionally, but if you do move to Arizona you'll have built in friends that already love you to pieces!
I'm so glad you started a blog! :o)